

ааааа Calendar 2008 -а The World Dual PETIN-METON Calendar

(solar + lunar-solar) containing the Hilal date.



 A project of the video-Hymn for the World Dual Calendar  
аа- http://video.mail.ru/mail/mpetin68/WorldDualCalendar/8.htmlаааааааа


аThe variant of a new World Calendar (civil) for 2008 is below recommended as:


Titleаааааааааааааааааааааааа а

-         http://CalendarPetin-Meton.narod.ru/2008page1title.pdfа ааааа


Lunationа 1а 2008аааа

-         http://CalendarPetin-Meton.narod.ru/2008page2-3.pdfааааа


Lunationа 2а 2008ааа

-         http://CalendarPetin-Meton.narod.ru/2008page4-5.pdfаааа


Lunation 3аа 2008аааа

-         http://CalendarPetin-Meton.narod.ru/2008page6-7.pdfаааааа


Lunation 4аа 2008аааа

-         http://CalendarPetin-Meton.narod.ru/2008page8-9.pdfааааааааааа


Lunation 5аа 2008аааа

-         http://CalendarPetin-Meton.narod.ru/2008page10-11.pdfаа


Lunation 6аа 2008аааа

-         http://CalendarPetin-Meton.narod.ru/2008page12-13.pdfааааа


Lunation 7аа 2008аааа

ааааа -ааа http://CalendarPetin-Meton.narod.ru/2008page14-15.pdfааа


Lunation 8аа 2008ааааа

ааааа -ааа http://CalendarPetin-Meton.narod.ru/2008page16-17.pdfааа


Lunation 9аа 2008ааааа

ааааа -ааа http://CalendarPetin-Meton.narod.ru/2008page18-19.pdfааа


Lunation 10 2008аааааа

-         http://CalendarPetin-Meton.narod.ru/2008page20-21.pdfаааа


Lunation 11 2008аааааа

-         http://CalendarPetin-Meton.narod.ru/2008page22-23.pdfааа


Lunation 12 2008аааааа

-         http://CalendarPetin-Meton.narod.ru/2008page24-25.pdfааааааа


Lunationа 1а 2009аааааа

-         http://CalendarPetin-Meton.narod.ru/2008page26-27.pdfаа


AuthorТsа houseааааааааа

-         http://CalendarPetin-Meton.narod.ru/2008page28foto.pdfааааа



аа The given the World Dual PETIN-METON Calendar (solar + lunar-solar)

is created according to the principles specified in УTerms and symbolsФ

( http://CalendarPetin-Meton.narod.ru/terms.htmаа ).

аа This calendar differs from the Gregorian Calendar by the following advantages, i.e.:


-аа it shows a new structure of a calendar lunar cycle (7+8+7+8 and 7+8+7+7 days)

and an acting nowа 7 day week,         

-аа it is not required to introduce the "special" dates.а Dates 15 and 30 of the lunar

аааа months are the same usual integral days of the week, as are all others,

-   the duration of months is unified - 29 and 30 days,

-   the structure of months is constant and easily remembered,

-   the lengths of lunar years are reduced from six values up to three:

ааа 354, 355, 384 days,

-аа the quantity of working days in each month  is constantа (24 days when a 6 day

аааа working week applies and 20 days when a 5 day working week applies),

-   the months, quarters of years  and years begin and finish at the same days

аааа of a week, the dates of months and weekdays are synchronized withа phases

аааа of the Moon (with the rotation of the Moon around the Earth), which allows

аааа to take into account the workerТs efficiency in production connected with

аааа the biorhythms, arising under the influence of the Moon,

-аа the new calendar is more convenient for women,а than the Gregorian Calendar,

-   all calendar cycles:

           - the day,

           - the lunation (lunar month),

           - the solar year,

           - the Meton cycle (19 solar years),

           - the Grand Meton cycle (6479 solar years)а -а

     correspond to the natural rotation periods of heavenly bodies (the Sun, the Moon,

аааа the  Earth )  relative to each other,

-аа each Grand Meton cycle is attached to the precise heavenly time reference points

аааа ofа time (orientirs), i.e. the moments ofа the mutual position of the Sun, the Moon,

аааа the Earth when the Southern solstice, the solar eclipse and midday are

аааа simultaneously observed and when the solar eclipse will be repeated through

ааааа the lunation period.

            Such next in turn combination of mutual positions of the above mentioned

ааааа heavenly bodies took place on December 20, 1786 with the subsequent

ааааа repeated solar eclipse on January 19, 1787.

аааааааааааа See the web-site:

аааааа http://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/eclipse/SEcat5/catalog.htmlаааааа

-аа correction of discrepancy of lunar and solar years concerning

аааа the calendar structure and also between themselves is simple;

аааа it can be carried out by high precision compensating methods.


ааа The World Dual PETIN-METON Calendar is the answer to

a question on a calendar reform which was raised in 1953

in the United Nations under the initiative of the India delegation,аа

which had offered Уto ratify for whole of the world a new, uniform and

constant calendar, astronomically coordinated with the movement of

the Earth around the Sun which be more correct, scientifically reasonable

and favourable, as compared with the Gregorian calendarФ. 


 аа The account of lunar months and solar years in the World Dual

PETIN-METON Calendar creates conditions for rapprochement

of religious traditions of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism etc.,

based on the most ancient observation of the seen movements of

the Sun, the Moon and the Earth.

 а  Being guided by the preservation of an invariance of each

religious doctrine, and also the principles of friendly mutual relations,

one can hope that spiritual academies of different countries will

consider an opportunity of application of the New solar + lunar-solar

calendars in their states as the World Calendar.  


  а Expansion of cultural, trading, technical and telecommunication

connections between peoples (especially the rapid development

of the Internet-network in recent years) facilitates the calendar

reform, which is of great international value.




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